Markets shift, customers change their minds, routines can become monotonous, and practices become less effective.
The key to sustainable forward progress and success is to remain flexible.
I’m reminded of reading Wayne Dyer who in his book Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life, speaks of the flexible nature of palm trees and their ability to withstand tremendous storms and corresponding winds. Stately oaks often are taken down in storms, while the palm remains flexible and bends to the changing conditions.
We’ve all been there when our “normal course” fails to deliver the same results we came to expect. This requires us to rethink our approach, adjust, and move forward again, and almost always the results will improve. Whether in business, our physical health, spirituality, or emotional strength, when we remain flexible and move freely with the necessary changes to improve, it’s inevitable they will.
Where in your life have you become too rigid? What areas require a flexible approach to achieve forward progress? Right now, make the decision to flex and win!