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Is Now the Time?...

Written by Laura O'Connor | Nov 28, 2023 7:39:21 PM

How do you know when it's the right time to make a change? 

When I look back over 20 years in real estate I can clearly see the forks in the road when I made a decision that led me to where I am today. So how did I know when it was time to branch off in a new direction? There was one of three things that drove each decision. 

  1. I was in a situation that had become too painful to stay put. The environment I was working in had become toxic and my financial needs weren't being met to the extent I could give back to my family and the community in the way I wanted. 
  2. There was something really enticing beckoning me down that other path. A recruiter showed me what was possible somewhere else, or there was a leader I believed in and wanted to work more closely with. 
  3. I'd finished some sort of personal transformation or self-exploration that helped me see my higher purpose and I needed to move in a new direction to make that happen. 

None of those changes were easy, but they were necessary. And I'm grateful for the people I've met, the impact I've had, and the experience gained along the way. 

Now it's your turn, "Is now the right time to make a change?"