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Does Culture Still Matter?...

Written by Laura O'Connor | Aug 2, 2023 12:09:00 AM

If agents have become accustomed to working remotely and not coming into the office, and our buyers and sellers are becoming more comfortable with virtual walkthroughs, does the culture of a brokerage still matter? Relationships have always been the nucleus of the real estate industry.

There are technology companies trying to be real estate companies and real estate companies trying to be technology companies. Both of those misunderstand that the value is lost when they try to get between or replace the agent-client relationship. Technology should help an agent be more productive by removing friction to make the buyer or seller experience delightful. Period.

So yes, the culture and connection to the community absolutely still matter. Perhaps it matters even more now than at any time before. People are seeking connection while relying on apps, companies, and resources that seek to alienate us and keep us tied to our phones, computers, and couches instead of outside connecting with each other, our communities, and nature.

That’s why we are committed to investing in our community. Whether that is digging in the dirt to help plant flowers before an office’s grand opening celebration or making calls to individual agents to talk through concerns they have about the state of the market or a specific ad campaign. Showing up is what is missing. You can’t replace having a team of people who genuinely care about the buyer, seller, and agent with any amount of technology.